Regulation of electric scooters in France in 2023

Regulation of electric scooters in France in 2023

The New Regulations for Individual Electric Vehicles (electric scooters) in France in 2023

The year 2023 marks an important milestone in the transition to cleaner mobility in France, with the introduction of new regulations for individual electric vehicles (EVI). In recent years, IEVs have gained popularity as a sustainable alternative to traditional vehicles, providing an environmentally friendly, practical and cost-effective mobility solution. The new regulations aim to regulate their use and guarantee the safety of road users, while promoting the growing adoption of these innovative vehicles.

Definition of Individual Electric Vehicles

Before examining the new regulations in detail, it is essential to define what a VEI is. IEVs encompass a wide range of lightweight electric vehicles designed for personal transportation. This includes electric scooters, unicycles, monowheels, hoverboards and other similar modes of transportation. They are powered by electric motors and are generally compact, lightweight and easy to maneuver, making them an attractive option for many riders. In this article, we will focus on electric scooters in particular.

The Main Changes to the Regulations

  1. Speed ​​Limits: The new regulations set specific speed limits for VEIs depending on their type. For example, electric scooters will not be able to exceed 25 km/h, while gyrowheels and monowheels will have a limit of 30 km/h. This measure aims to guarantee the safety of users and pedestrians on sidewalks and cycle paths.
  2. Minimum Age and License: VEI drivers will have to meet certain age and license requirements. To drive a VEI, you must be at least 12 years old, and drivers under 18 must wear a helmet. No driving license will be required, but compulsory road safety training will be put in place to make users aware of driving rules and good practices.
  3. Civil Liability Insurance: Any owner of electric scooters must take out specific civil liability insurance to cover possible damage caused to third parties in the event of an accident. This will ensure that victims of accidents involving VEIs are adequately compensated.
  4. Lighting and Signaling: Electric scooters must be equipped with front and rear lights, reflectors and signaling devices to improve their visibility, especially at night. Users will also need to wear reflective vests or clothing to increase their own visibility.
  5. Prohibition of Traffic on Motorways: VEIs will not be authorized to travel on motorways or expressways, in order to maintain the safety of users at high speeds.

The Advantages of the New Regulations

The new regulations for electric scooters have many benefits for society and the environment. First, it contributes to road safety by establishing clear speed limits and requiring responsible driving standards. In addition, civil liability insurance ensures that accident victims are properly compensated, which strengthens the protection of users and pedestrians.

Environmentally, VEIs are an environmentally friendly alternative to combustion vehicles, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. The new regulations encourage the adoption of these sustainable modes of transport by providing a clear regulatory framework and promoting greater acceptance of these vehicles within society.

Finally, the regulations aim to improve coexistence between VEIs and other road users by establishing clear driving rules and raising driver awareness of road safety.


The new regulations for electric scooters in France in 2023 are an important step towards more sustainable and safer mobility. By establishing speed limits, age and insurance requirements, as well as putting in place measures to improve visibility and signage, these regulations aim to ensure the safety of road users while encouraging the growing adoption of these innovative electric vehicles.

It is essential that owners and users of electric scooters familiarize themselves with these new rules to ensure responsible and safe riding on our roads and sidewalks. Ultimately, transitioning to cleaner, more environmentally friendly modes of transportation is a crucial step in combating climate change and preserving our planet for future generations.